
Bird News Saturday 21st April

A drake Garganey was at the south west corner of Lough Beg. 2 Pink-footed Geese were at the Mullagh. 12 Red-breasted Merganser were an exceptional site count and 30 White Wagtail were at Paddy's Dubh (David Steel)

A first-summer Mediterranean Gull was at the Round O in Enniskillen (Brad Robson).

Around the Ards a Turnstone and 5 Dunlin were at the Floodgates. 2 Little Egret were near Kircubbin and a Little Egret and Buzzard at Saltwater Brig. 6 Whimbrel and 136 Golden Plover were at Ballyquintin Point and a Whimbrel and Common Sandpiper at Kearney Point (Jim Whitla)

A third-year Iceland Gull was at the lighthouse at Ardglass (Declan Coney).

The second-summer Ring-billed Gull was at Groomsport (George Gordon).

An Osprey flew over Killard, Co Down at 2:30, seemingly heading inland (Keith Bennett)

The Quoile Pondage (Castle Island hide) this morning had the ad Little Gull still, 2 Common Tern and 5 House Martin. Also the record sheet states "18/4 Black-winged stilt" (Keith Bennett)
At Ardglass, there was a 1st winter Kumliens and a 3rd winter Iceland Gull. (Keith Bennett)

The 1st Summer Med Gull was seen at RSPB Belfast and the Little Egret at Whitehouse Lagoon ( Paul Scott). Later on, 2 1st Summer Med Gulls were at the Belfast Harbour RSPB Reserve (Stuart McKee)
Med Gull - Stuart McKee

This morning at Knockmany Chambered Cairn, nr Augher, Co Tyrone ; 6 Crossbill, possible Cuckoo calling (too distant to be certain) (Colin Bell)

Randalstown Forest and Loughshore Park, Co Antrim had a Reed Warbler, 50+ Sand Martin and 5 Common Tern on the Old Admiralty Torpedo Platform (John Loughlin)
At Ballykelly wall today a flock of several hundred Golden Plover and about a dozen Sand Martins. (Jeff McIntyre)
5 Whimbrel and 3 Wheatear were at Killard this morning (Jason Starbuck)

Other news from Co. Down today included  at Ballyherly: Chiffchaff 2 singing, Water Rail, 1. Strangford: Little Egret, 1, Castle Ward Bay, 2 Chiffchaff. Ardglass harbour, Iceland gull, 1 3rd winter [not 2nd winter] Kumlien's gull, 1 1st winter Killard point Purple Sandpiper 2, flew past. Kilclief: Whimbrel 1, Golden Plover 200. Kearney, Whimbrel, 7 (Keith Bennett)

The Long-billed Dowicher was looked for this morning without success.

Many thanks to those who send in bird of prey sightings. At this time of year we do not publish probable breeding locations but the sightings are recorded.

The cooler northerly winds have slowed up the arrival of our summer migrants.

Thanks again to all our photographic contributors!
Blackcap - Tom McCreery

Grey Heron - Zach McCreery
Wren - Zach McCreery
Rook - George Stewart
Willow Warbler - Alistair Prentice

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