
Bird News Sunday 15th April

An adult Golden Eagle, was soaring over Rathlin Island, heading east. It appeared untagged. 25 Willow Warbler, 18 White Wagtail, a Redwing, Swallow, 2 Sand Martin and 4 Wheatear also on Rathlin. (Neal Warnock)
At Ballyquintin Point, 2 Short-eared Owls, 4 Whimbrel, a Wheatear, a Swallow and a Blackcap. A 1st year Mediterranean Gull was at Cloughy Bay (Richard Weyl)
The second winter Ring-billed Gull was still at Groomsport (W Farrelly)
A Common Sandpiper was at the Quoile this morning (Frank Carroll)
A pair of Red Grouse this afternoon at Llendrum Windfarm,nr Fivemiletown,Co Tyrone (Colin Bell)

A Black Redstart was 1km from Dunseverick along the coastal path to the Causeway (Jon Davies).
In south Down 52 Swallow and House Martin were perched on wires at Ballykinler. 4 Buzzard were in woods near Ballykinler and 2 male Sparrowhawk at Tyrella. 6 Raven were feeding on a dead seal at Keel Point in Dundrum Inner Bay (Dave Brooks).
50 Fieldfare and a Swallow were along Ballyrainey Road outside Comber. A Black Redstart was at Scrabo Tower (John Pyper).
Along the north coast 247 Golden Plover, 2 Pink-footed Geese, a White Wagtail and 3 Wheatear were at Myroe Levels (Stuart McKee).
Yesterday along the Antrim coast a second-year Iceland Gull flew past Runkerry Point. An adult and a second-year Iceland Gull were at Corbally Dam near Portrush (Colin Guy).
Black-tailed Godwit - Stephen Maxwell
Blackcap - Alistair Prentice
Willow Warbler - Alistair Prentice
Drake Gadwall - Mark Elliott
Fledgeling Robin - Mark Elliott

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