
Bird News Tuesday 17th April

A Short Eared Owl was at Ballymacormick Point outside Groomsport today, see picture below. (Mike Pringle).

A walk between Scarva and Lough Shark produced 9 Blackcap,7 Chiffchaff,52 Willow Warbler,2 Buzzard,4 Grey Heron and a Long-tailed Tit. 120 hirundines were over Lough Shark - mainly Swallow but also Sand and House Martin (Fulton Somerville).

6 White Wagtail, 10 Swallow and 3 Black-tailed Godwit (the latter unusual there) were at Briggs Rocks near Groomsport. (Colin Guy).

Yesterday an Iceland Gull was in a ploughed field near the Giant's Causeway and 2 Sand Martins and 3 Swallows were around Runkerry headland. (Robert Scott).

Thanks to Mike Pringle, Mark Elliott, Stuart McKee, Christine Cassidy, Margaret Adamson and Alistair Prentice for today's selection of photographs.

Short Eared Owl - Mike Pringle

Sparrowhawk that joined Mark Elliott at work.

Iceland & Glaucous Gulls - Stuart McKee

Rock Pipit - Christine Cassidy

Black Headed Gull - Margaret Adamson

Black Guillemot - Christine Cassidy

Blackcap - Margaret Adamson

Mute Swan - Margaret Adamson

Classic Robin shot - Alistair Prentice

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