
Bird News Wednesday 11th April

The American Wigeon was still at Portmore Lough this morning (Paul Scott)
Oxford Island had 30 Greater Scaup, 2 Ruddy Duck and 10+ Blackcaps singing (Ed O'Hara)

The Bonapartes Gull was seen again this evening at the Princess Victoria memorial, Larne (Irish Birding)

On the Antrim side of Belfast Lough an adult Iceland Gull was just north of Black Head (David Galbraith).
At Strangford Lough at least one Black Redstart was still at Holm Bay (Spencer and Joan Marshall).
The second-year Ring-billed Gull was at Groomsport and a second-winter Iceland Gull on Cockle Island (George Gordon)

Six drake Eider duck plus a flock of Brent geese were at Drains Bay (Larne) yesterday (David Ledsham)
A Swallow was at Bushmills yestrerday (Charles Stewart) 
Yesterday in Belfast Lough from the ferry were 2 Common Scoter, 3 Common Tern  -- both off Carrick. 8 Black Guillemot 2 Gannet and 4 Eider (Chris Harper)
2 Swallow were at the Billy Neill playing fields between Dundonald and Comber (Stephen Maxwell) 

Little Grebe - Zach McCreery

Great Crested Grebes - Zach McCreery
Scaup - Ed O'Hara

Blackcap - Ed O'Hara

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