
Bird News Monday 28th May

A Whimbrel was at Whitehead seafront. (Ian Enlander).

2 Sandwich Tern, 3 Red Breasted Merganser and about 200 Eider were at Greenisland shore in Belfast Lough. Ringed Plover have bred at Pointure Bay beside Seapoint. (David Stirling).

A pair of Little Egrets are nesting at a private site in Co. Down. (Chris Murphy).

The Garden Warbler is still singing at Annadale in Belfast but so far doesn't seem to have attracted a mate. (Dermot Hughes).

A Cuckoo was near Sallagh Braes outside Ballygally, Co. Antrim. (David Ledsham).

Thanks to Stephen Maxwell for this shot of a Spotted Flycatcher. You can check out the rest of today's pictures at

Spotted Flycatcher - Stephen Maxwell

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