
Bird News for Sunday 17th June

The Red-footed Falcon is still at Slemish (Garry Armstrong) for directions see below.
A Cuckoo was on posts at the Slemish visitors centre car park, allowing very good views.See the picture blog for images of the bird.

The Glossy Ibis was still at Colebrooke River mouth this morning. Distant on earth bank. Also a probable dead Barn Owl on M1 W J9, Moira. (Keith Bennett)

Our thanks to Stuart McKee for the pic. of the Glossy Ibis

A Greater Spotted Woodpecker was at Crom, Co Fermanagh. It was just north o the visitor centre. (Keith Bennett)
.At Lough Beg a Little Egret was at Paddy's Dub (David Steele).

 Along the Tyrone shore of Lough Neagh 3 Reed Warbler were at Blackers Rock - the first he had noted there (Godfrey McRoberts).

 In Fermanagh as well as the Glossy Ibis a Whimbrel was at the Colbrooke (Stuart McKee). 3 Garden Warbler were at Crom Estate (Brad Robson)

A drake Common Scoter in Killough harbour and a Peregrine over the village.(C.Murphy)

 Yesterday a high count of 24 Turnstone was at Belfast Harbour Lagoon (Stuart McKee).

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