
Bird News for Tues.26th June.

A Red footed Falcon  been seen at the Montaighs, the same site were the Hobby has been seen recently.(I.Dickey). The photograph of the bird below was kindly sent in by Mark Killops.
The Hobby has  also been present this evening from the above location.(G.Armstrong.)

The colour-ringed 1st summer Med Gull at Belfast Lough RSPB Reserve yesterday had a light green ring on the Right leg code 32LU. It was ringed as a pullus near Antwerp in Belgium on 13th June last year then was seen at Las Palmas Grand Canaries in January and February this year. If anyone sees this bird again please report it to or via the website at 

 Our thanks to Alex Coroliu for this wonderful image of a pair of Swallows.

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