
Bird News Saturday 2nd June

A Reed Warbler was singing at Lough Cowey (Paul Scott)
On Thursday a Red Kite was seen at Craigantlet, Co Down (Eimear Rooney)
Antrim plateau today had a; 1 Whinchat at Glenhead Rd (Skerrywhirry). RSPB Belfast still has two 1st summer little gulls (Keith Bennett)
A Red-throated Diver was south off Sheepland, Co Down (Chris Murphy)
3 Ravens were at Lead Mines in Newtownards, close to the quarry (David McCormick)
The Garden Warbler was still at Annadale in Belfast (Dermot Hughes).
Thanks to Stephen Maxwell for these pictures of the Little Gull at Belfast Harbour RSPB Reserve. You can see further pictures at

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