
Bird News for Saturday 21st July.

In south Down last night 26 Storm Petrel were ringed and 3 controlled at Sheepland. One of the controls had been ringed in Portugal (Declan Clarke).

A dark phase Arctic Skua was off Groomsport (George Gordon).

In Donegal a raft of 1,200 Manx Shearwater was off Malin Head. 3 Chough and at least one Bottle-nosed Dolphin were also noted (Richard Gray).

Our thanks to Ed O'Hara for the top photograph of a Common Sandpiper which was one of four at Oxford Island to-day. Also to Stephen Maxwell for the photograph of the now long staying Ring-billed Gull at Groomsport

Our thanks to everyone who sends in information/photographs/texts/e-mails,without all your contributions then this blog would not be possible. 

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