
Bird News Friday 13th July

Last night in south Down 23 Storm Petrel were ringed and 1 controlled at Sheepland (Declan Clarke).

Along the north coast 33 Storm Petrel were ringed and 4 controlled at Ballyreagh (Richard Hoy).

Yesterday 4 Common Sandpiper and 300 Black-tailed Godwit were at Belfast Harbour Lagoon. Another 6 summer plumage Black-tails were at the adjacent landfill site and a Greenshank was at Dargan Bay. A Greenshank and 9 Common Sandpiper were at the Blackstaff at Dundrum Inner Bay North (Richard Gray).
3 Common Sandpiper were seen along the Newry Estuary this morning (Frank Carroll)

Four Red Kite were at Castlewellan (Irish Birding)

Thanks to Martina Boyle for this picture of a Swallow chick. There are more pictures at:

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