
Bird News Thursday 5th July

Unusually 2 White-fronted Geese were with the Greylag at the lower pond at Antrim Road Waterworks in Belfast (John Fitzsimmons).

Last night in south Down 33 Storm Petrel were ringed and 2 controlled at Sheepland (Declan Clarke).

Also last night 40 Storm Petrel were ringed at Ballyreagh, Co. Londonderry, see photo below. (John Clarke).

A Common Sandpiper and 5 Gadwall were at Belfast Lough RSPB Reserve. (Jim McKeown).

Yesterday 7 Buzzard and a Sparrowhawk were seen on the road to Lough Ash and Moorlough in Co. Tyrone. (Christine Cassidy).

Thanks to John Clarke and Stephen Maxwell for the pictures below, you can check out more NI bird photo's on our picture blog at

Storm Petrel - John Clarke

Swift - Stephen Maxwell

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