
Bird News for Thursday 23rd August

3 Swift north of Portadown this evening.(B.Nelson)

A Barn Owl was at the Toye outside Killyleagh (Jason Starbuck)

Yesterday two Balearic Shearwater were off the Bann Estuary at the Barmouth; also a juvenile Roseate Tern and juvenile Little Gull.
Also from yesterday a Long-eared Owl was at Coney Island nr.Ardglass.(D.Clarke) 

The Marsh Harrier was seen again briefly to-day at Inch Co Donegal.(R.Shepard)

Our thanks to Ian Jackson for this image of a Med Gull(top)to Stephen Maxwell for his image of a Greenshank and finally to Alistair Prentice for this fine image of a Bullfinch.

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