
Bird News for Tuesday 21st August

A Black Tern was at Belfast Harbour RSPB reserve. (C.Sturgeon ).

This evening the Harbour reserve had 3 Ruff and a Swift, Kinnegar had 2 Common Sandpiper and 40 Ringed Plover. (Ian Enlander)

2 Black Tern were at the Bar Mouth. (Irish Birding).

At Larne Lough a Little Egret, juvenile Ruff, 39 Dunlin and 7 Black-tailed Godwit were at Ballycarry Bridge. (George Gordon).

Thanks to Tom McCreery for this fantastic shot of a female Blackcap and to Alistair Prentice for the superb flight shot of a Sparrowhawk. You can check out more NI bird pictures at

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