
Bird News Monday 27th August

Following the Gyr Falcon excitement (see previous post), we are back to normal NI end of summer birding.

Lough Beg had an impressive six Garganey (4 male, 2 female type) and a Spotted Redshank in the south west corner. A Crossbill also flew over. (David Steele)

The juvenile Black Tern was still at RSPB Belfast. See Ed and Stephens pictures below (Ed O'Hara and Stephen Maxwell)

The Little Egret was still at RSPB Belfast Harbour (Paul Scott). Many thanks to Stephen Maxwell for the pic of this bird below.

Over 1000 House Martin were seen at the Giants Causeway (John Clarke / Rick Hoy)

54 Curlew flew east at Ballintoy and a large raft (60+) of Cormorants were on the water near Sheep Island (John Loughlin)

5 Golden Plover were at the lagoon at the east side of Ballymacormick Point (Derek Polley).
Black Tern - Stephen Maxwell
Black Tern - Ed O'Hara
Little Egret - Stephen Maxwell

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