
Bird News Saturday 18th August

A White rumped Sandpiper is at the Bann Estuary. It is feeding at the little stream leading from the golf course which is roughly half way between the hide and the Barmouth itself.(A.Gillespie /T.Ennis )

A juvenile Black Tern was also at the Bann (Gerard McGeehan)

A juvenile Curlew Sandpiper, 3 Sanderling and 61 Ringed Plover were at Kinnegar shore. 3 juvenile Ruff were at Belfast Harbour Lagoon (Stuart McKee).

27 Storm Petrels were ringed at Ballyreagh this morning, 3 of these were controls, see pictures below. (John Clarke, R Hoy, R Donaghy)

Some late news:
On 17th a Garganey, 2 Turnstone and 20 Shoveler were at Paddy's Dub, Lough Beg. On 15th 5 Greenshank and 5 Ruff were there and on 13th a Pectoral Sandpiper, Green Sandpiper and 70 Snipe (Matthew Tickner, Seamus Burns).

On 16th a Twite was with a small Linnet flock at Rinagee Coastal Park in Portstewart (Lowell Mills).

Thanks to todays photographers, Tom McCreery for another superb Willow Warbler shot, Ed O'Hara for the Common Sandpiper from the Belfast Lough RSPB reserve and John Clarke for the Storm Petrels trapped at Ballyreagh.


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