
Bird News Sunday 19th August

The White-rumped Sandpiper is still at the Bann (Jeff Larkin / Keith Bennett) - see the pics of the previous post.

Also at the Bann, there is the juv Black Tern, an adult Black Tern, 2 Little Stint, 1 Ruff, 1 Knot, 6 Sanderling along with numerous Dunlin and Ringed Plover (Keith Bennett)
An adult Honey Buzzard was at Struell Wells near Downpatrick at 14.45 before flying off south (Nick Morgan).

A dark morph Arctic Skua was at the Barmouth of the Bann. Another 2 dark morph Arctic Skua and 5 summer Red-throated Diver were at Magilligan (Jeff Larkin).

3 juvenile Ruff, a Greenshank , 5 juvenile Knot and a Whimbrel were at Belfast Harbour Lagoon (George Gordon). Another Whimbrel was at Kinnegar shore and on Thursday 4 Little Tern were at the Harbour Lagoon (Sandy McWilliams).

An Osprey, Ruff and fem/imm Garganey, are at Lough Beg, Co.Derry (Neal Warnock)

Tory Island was quiet with a juvenile Little Stint, juvenile Ruff, 2 Willow Warbler and 1 Great Skua (Brad Robson)

Yesterday 2 Peregrine and several Buzzard were on Rathlin and for those interested a Golden-ringed Dragonfly was seen on the way out to the East Light (Garry Wilkinson).

Thanks to Angus Kennedy for this picture of a Black-tailed Godwit flock. You can see more pics at

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