
Bird News Sunday 26th August

No positive word on the Gyr Falcon but rare raptors are difficult to pin down!

A juvenile Hen Harrier was hunting at Divis above Belfast. It was seen at 9am and 11.30am (Larry Toal).

The second-summer Ring-billed Gull was at Groomsport (George Gordon)

An early Great Northern Diver was at Halfway House Hotel, Ballygally (Pauline Majury)

An hour's seawatch from Donaghadee tonite had 573 Manx shearwater (north), 180 gannet (south), 8 common scoter, 1 dark phase Arctic skua, 2 red-throated diver and 12 kittiwake (James Robinson)

A raft of at least 100 Manx Shearwater was off Portstewart Strand (Simon Morton).

A few Swifts were still at Ballyronan along the Londonderry shore of Lough Neagh (Tony McCormick).

The Snowy Owl was showing well again today between the twin lakes on Aranmore, Co Donegal.

Thanks to Tom McCreery for the pic of a Long-tailed Tit and to Pauline Majury for the first winter Kittiwake. You can see more bird pics at

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