
Bird News Thursday 2nd August

Reedy Flats, Lough Neagh had a female-type Red-crested Pochard at the east end of the flats; also 2 Little Gulls east of Emerson's sandspit (One of yesterdays Little Gulls there was an adult and not seen today so three in the area) Also 3 Goldeneye, 9 Common Terns. (Oscar Campbell)
A second-winter Little Gull was between the piers at the Barmouth of the Bann Estuary (Mervyn Guthrie).
 A light phase adult Arctic Skua flew east past Groomsport (George Gordon).
 Yesterday a Barn Owl flew across the Groomsport bypass at dusk (Alan Chambers)

 A Reed Warbler showing nicely in front of the Kinnego Hide,Oxford Island. (Oscar Campbell)

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