
Bird News Saturday 22nd September

A Greater Spotted Woodpecker was at Mount Stewart high in an oak, east of the lake by inlet stream. (Keith Bennett).

An adult Iceland Gull was at Briggs this morning briefly. (Colin Guy).

At Greyabbey Bay there were 2 Slavonian Grebe. At Burial Island were 18 Red-throated Diver and 11 Common Scoter between 11.30 and 12.30. (Richard Weyl).

Rathlin Island had 4 chiffchaff, 1 blackcap, 5 siskin, 2 wheatear, 4 white wag, 2 chough, 1 little egret. Lots of finches on island (Neal Warnock)

An adult Mediterranean Gull and 1 Greenshank were in Mount Stewart bay, 1 Knot was at Portavogie and 2 Little Egrets at the Floodgates. (Keith Bennett).

The juvenile, (moulting to first-winter), Spotted Redshank was at Belfast Harbour Lagoon. In south Down 11 Little Egret, 12 Greenshank and a first-winter Mediterranean Gull were at Dundrum Inner Bay, see pictures below. (Stuart McKee).         

Yesterday a Great Skua was a mile off Donaghadee on the way out to Copeland (Francis Duffin).   

7 Whooper Swan flew over Derry and on Thursday a few late Swift were also noted there (Stephen Davis).

Thanks to Tom McCreery for another couple of great pictures of a Rock Pipit and a Stonechat and to Stuart McKee for the pictures of the 1st winter Mediterranean Gull and to David Nixon for the picture of the Grey Phalarope from Myroe yesterday.


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