
Bird News Sunday 16th September

The Bonaparte's Gull was showing very well at Tweed's Port, Carnfunnock Bay this morning (Neal Warnock)

A Buff-breasted Sandpiper at the east end of the Myroe Lawn fields (Jeff Larkin / Philip West)

A Pink-footed Goose is at Forty Acre Bay, Larne Lough (Neal Warnock)

A Chiffchaff was near Corbally reservoir (Portrush) this afternoon (John Clarke)

The Bann Estuary was quiet with the best 1 Bar-tailed godwit, 2 Black-tailed godwit, a Peregrine falcon and 1 Sanderling (Richard Donaghey)

The female Red-created Pochard and 4 Ruff were at Inch, Donegal (Ian Graham)

Thanks to Neal Warnock for the pics of the Bonapartes and the Gyr (from earlier in the week).
You can see more pics at

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