
Bird News Sunday 30th September

Two adult Grey-bellied Brant, were at the Maltings, Newtownards.

An adult Black Brant was at Greyabbey.

A Leach's Petrel was showing well off the sea wall at Myroe Levels, Lough Foyle at 3:55 (Neal Warnock)

The Ring-billed Gull was still at Groomsport (Stephen Maxwell)

50 Golden Plover and 2 female Goldeneye were at Oxford Island today (Mark Killops)

An Osprey was seen flying south of Sandy Bay, Larne.

A high site count of 56 Pink-footed Geese flew south-east over Mullagh, Lough Beg at 10am. 2 Greenland White-fronted Geese and 8 Ruff were also at Mullagh (David Steele).
A Wheatear, 2 White Wagtail and 3 Pale-bellied Brent were on the beach at Millisle (William Smyton).
A dark morph Arctic Skua and a Grey Plover were off the harbour at Groomsport (George Gordon)
A Great Skua was feeding off Waterfoot Beach, Co Antrim (John Loughlin)
Two Med Gull were at Whiteabbey.
Skernaghan Point, Islandmagee, Co Antrim had 1 Wheatear and 40 Linnet (Ian Enlander)
A Long-eared Owl was at Monea, Co Fermanagh (Brad Robson)
A Wheatear was in a Garden at Newtownabbey (Cecil Smith)

The Forsters Tern was still at Soldiers Point, Co. Louth

Thanks to Rob McAllister for the picture of a Shag, Stephen Maxwell for the Ring-billed Gull and Cecil Smith for a Wheatear (in his garden!)

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