
Bird News Saturday 27th October

A Peregrine was at Kilclief, Merlin at Killard and Red throated Diver at St Johns Point this morning (Jason Starbuck and Dave Steele)

The Outer Ards today had: Ann's point 1 Little Egret and 1 Kingfisher; Mount Stewart lake now has 40 Gadwall; Greyabbey bay had 20 Whooper Swan; Ballyquintin had a Peregrine and female Merlin; Knockinelder bay had 1 ad Med Gull (Keith Bennett)

Rathlin Island had 14 Twite, 4 White fronts, 1 Barnacle, 25 Redwing, 1 Fieldfare and a Bullfinch (Neal Warnock)

Along the Antrim coast a Snow Bunting was at Ballintoy Harbour. The adult Ring-billed Gull was at Portrush East Strand car park. 30 Twite were at the north end of Cushendun Bay and a Brambling was with the Chaffinch there (Colin Guy).


Our thanks to Ed O'Hara for this picture of a Twite(top)  to Christine Cassidy for this picture of a Pied Wagtail(middle) and finally to Tom McCreery for this pic of  a Meadow Pipit   

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