
Bird News Tuesday 16th October

The Hoopoe was seen again to-day up until 09.00 but has not been seen since.

The Glaucous Gull was still at Ballintoy and the Barnacle Goose still at Portbalintrae (Colin Guy)

A brief seawatch from 09:45 to 10:00: c.600 Gannets fishing in Dundrum Bay incl. c.200 loosely following trawler; 1 Bonxie among the Gannets; 70 Brents flying south; 2 Red-throated Divers flying south; 8 Black Guillemots (7 flying south, 1 north) plus a few Razorbills and 1 Common Guillemot on the sea. Kelly's Wood: 1Goldcrest, 1 Coal Tit, 1 Buzzard, 2Ravens, 4 Redpolls and 3 Tree Sparrows.(C.Murphy)

3 Redwing were in a garden at Ballystrudder on Island Magee (Robert McDowell).

An adult Mediterranean Gull was at Ballyholme Bay before flying off towards Groomsport (Shane Wolsey).

A Snow Bunting was at Magilligan Point (Christine Cassidy).

A Pink-footed Goose was with Pale-bellied Brent at Killard Point (Graham McElwaine).

The second-winter Mediterranean Gull was still at Whitehead along the coastal path to the lighthouse. A Wheatear was at Black Head (Cameron Moore).

A Jay was at Delamont Park and 4 Swallow and 2 House Martin near Gibbs Island (Spencer and Joan Marshall).

Our thanks for Tom McDonnell for his wonderful image of the Hoopoe seen on Rathlin Island.

Thanks to Colin for the picture of the Barnacle Goose. You can see more pictures at

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