
Bird News Tuesday 23rd October

A Snow Bunting was at Magilligan and 2 Greenland Wheatear at Ballykelly, see pictures below. (Christine Cassidy).

A Brambling was visiting a garden in Prospect Road in Carrickfergus, see picture below. (Pauline Majury).

A Red Throated Diver was at Killard this afternoon, see picture below. (Craig Nash).  

The Red-breasted Flycatcher was still west of Malinmore in Donegal in the garden opposite the emerald green house (Vernon Carter).         

An adult Mediterranean Gull was at Ballylumford on Island Magee (Cameron Moore).     

Yesterday a Black-headed Gull at Loughshore Park on the Antrim side of Belfast Lough had been ringed in Lithuania in 2006. It has only been seen once since - in Poland in 2011 (Lowell Mills).     

Redwings were heard in flight over Whitehouse in Belfast last night (Andy Elliott).        

Also last night a Barn Owl was at the entrance to Larchfield Estate near Hillsborough (Garry Wilkinson).     

21 Whooper Swan flew in from the west at Monlough near Carryduff (they did not join 7 already there). 2 Jay, 2 Buzzard and small numbers of Skylark were also noted and small flocks of Chaffinch, Yellowhammer and Tree Sparrow were along Mill Road (David Clarke).      

Thanks to Christine for the Snow Bunting and Wheatear pictures, Pauline for the Brambling picture, Craig for the Red Throated Diver picture, Alistair Prentice for the classic Kingfisher picture and John Loughlin for the Stonechat picture. Check out more NI bird pictures at


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