
Bird News Tuesday 2nd October

The Buff bellied Pipit has again been seen this afternoon at Carrickfergus Castle (Gerard McGeehan)

The Bonaparte's Gull was at Sandy Bay, Larne. An Ad med gull, juv common tern and 2 whoopers were there last night (Neal Warnock).

A female Merlin was at Magilligan Point today, see pictures below. (Christine Cassidy).

This afternoon 6 Pink Footed Geese flew over Ballymacormick Lagoon and a Lapland Bunting was flushed just west of Briggs Rocks and flew off towards Groomsport. (Colin Guy).

An escaped Parakeet, possibly a Ring-necked Parakeet, was on a crane at Annadale Embankment in Belfast before being chased off by Starlings. (Robert Scott)

Thanks to Christine Cassidy for the pictures of the Merlin, Noel Austin for the Golden Plover pictures and Stephen Maxwell for the Curlew picture. You can check out more NI bird pictures at

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