
Bird News Tuesday 9th October

Late news from yesterday, Lough Foyle had 3 med gulls, 1 little egret, 2 slavs, 2000 whoopers (Brad Robson)
Fionnabar Cross saw an imm White-tailed Eagle on the Lower Lough Erne islands RSPB reserve, Co Fermanagh.

42 Whooper Swans flew over Lough Foyle. A Buzzard was at Myroe, 2 Red-Breasted Merganser and 2 Red-Throated Diver were at Magilligan (Christine Cassidy)

At Larne Lough a first-winter Mediterranean Gull, Little Egret, 2 Greenshank, a Sparrowhawk and 7 Bar-tailed Godwit were at Glynn (Cameron Moore).

3 Swallow were along Ballycairn Road near Coleraine (Lowell Mills)

Thanks to Tom McCreery for this shot of a Redpoll and to Christine Cassidy for the Buzzard picture. You can see more pics at

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