
Bird News for Monday 19th November.

The Buff-bellied Pipit was still west of Tyrella beach at J458354. A Kestrel, Sparrowhawk, 200 Sanderling and 300 Golden Plover were in the area and 12 Twite were in an adjacent field east of there (Clifford Sharpe, Stuart McKee).

A male Ring Ouzel was seen at Crawfordsburn.(Carol Rowney)

A Brambling was in a garden at Belgravia Road in Bangor (Michael Richardson).

The Black-throated Diver was still showing well off Groomsport Harbour. It is feeding between there and Briggs to the east but returns regularly to area off the harbour (George Gordon).

About a dozen Waxwings were at the tramway car park, Bushmills (John Wilkinson)

Six Waxwing were feeding on Rowan berries this afternoon on the Greystone Road in Antrim(D.Hunter)
 At least 5 Jack Snipe were at Carn Hill, Monkstown along with 30 Snipe.(D.Hughes)
An eagle sized bird of prey was seen yesterday at Roselawn near Belfast (David Alistair)

Our thanks to Tom McCreery for this wonderful image of a Redwing.

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