
Bird News Thursday 22nd November

60+ Waxwing were around the Short Strand and later between the Short Strand and the M3 Bridge, Belfast (Stephen Maxwell)

4 Waxwing were about 2 miles east of Farrancassidy crossroads along the Lough Navar road, west Fermanagh feeding on roadside berries (Brad Robson)

At Low Road Islandmagee, 25 Waxwings feeding on hawthorn bushes beside the road. Also 3 Purple Sandpiper at the pier Whitehead. (Cameron Moore, R.Bennett. B Campbell)

At Castlewellan Forest today were 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker and 1 Crossbill (Joe Devlin)

There are now 2 Black-throated Diver feeding together between Groomsport harbour and Briggs. The adult Ring-billed Gull was at the harbour (Derek Polley, George Gordon).

A male Brambling was in a garden in Ballyholme (George Gordon)

3 Red Kite and 8 Redwing were at Leitrim near Castlewellan (Dot Blakely)

Thanks to Stephen Maxwell for the pics of the Short Strand Waxwings, and Tom McCreery for the Meadow Pipit below:

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