
Bird News Thursday 8th November

Near Millisle 15 - 20 Waxwing were at Ballywhiskin. They landed briefly in a tree, then flew over road at 10:21.

28 Snipe & a Ring-billed Gull were at RSPB Harbour Reserve, Belfast (Jim McKeown)

The third winter Ring-billed Gull was at Groomsport (George Gordon)

Three Little Egrets were on the shore at the floodgates in Newtownards (Stuart McQueen)

In Ormeau Park this morning were 2 Brambling, 40 Chaffinch, 12 Lesser Redpoll, 2 Jays and a Raven (Dermot Hughes)

The Little Egret was still feeding around Brigg’s Rocks,a 3rd Winter Iceland Gull seen flying along the shore at Ballyhalbert. 15 Whooper Swans were in a field at Kearney (Colin Guy)

3 late Swallow were in Ballycastle.

Yesterday a Snow Goose was with Greenland Whitefronts at Sheskinmore Co Donegal.

On Saturday 10 November at 2pm, Castle Espie Gallery will be opening the doors to the exhibition ‘Still Waters’. This is the inspired title of an exhibition by Belfast artist Rosie McClelland. The exhibition will run from Saturday 10 November to Sunday 2 December 2012, the gallery is open 7 days a week from 10am with free entry.

Thanks to Mark Killops for the Snow Bunting pic and to Tom McCreery for the Blackbird pic. You can see more pictures from local birders at

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