
Local Events

Following the successful BTO conference, two forthcoming events that may be of interest to local birders are:

Belfast Lough RSPB Reserve - 'Belfast Harbour Reserve's Arctic Connections' - talk by Dr. Kendrew Colhoun, RSPB on Monday 12th November at 7:30 pm, Kendrew traces the story of the epic migrations of the birds that divide their time between the Belfast Harbour Reserve and the Arctic. In doing so, he will look at examples like Turnstone, Brent Geese, Arctic Terns, Sanderling, Purple Sandpipers and Whooper Swans.

On Tuesday 27th November at 7:30, Copeland Bird Observatory are hosting a winter meeting featuring 'Plovers in Exile' about the St Helena Wirebird and a talk on the 'Mystery of Bird Navigation'. The event is at the Ulster Museum, Stranmillis.

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