
Bird News - Christmas Day

Late news from yesterday is of 15 Waxwings at Edenvilla, Portadown briefly before being scared off by a Sparrowhawk. (James O'Neill).

A male Brambling is visiting a garden at the Spa near Ballynahinch. (David Nixon).

A female Goosander was at Portmore Lough this morning. (Keith Bennett).

The Little Gull was still at the south Balancing Lake in Craigavon. (Ed O'Hara).

6 Sandwich Terns were in the Briggs Rocks area. Yesterday a 1st winter Iceland Gull flew over Springhill Shopping Centre in Bangor. (Colin Guy).

A Chiffchaff was at Orlock feeding in scrub above the coastal path about 150 metres from where the southern end of the path meets the road. (Ron Price).

The unusual Chaffinch is still visiting a garden in Richhill, see pictures below. (Andrew Poots0>

10 Purple Sandpipers were with Turnstones at Groomsport today. (Sam Scott).

15 Waxwing were at Pentagon end of Linenhall Street in Ballymena (Richard Gray).       

A male Brambling and 16 Tree Sparrow were in a garden in Castlerock (Mervyn Guthrie).   

There was another sighting of the Iceland Gull seen yesterday at Springhill in Bangor - today it was close by at Carnalea/Station Road and Wandsworth area of Bangor West (Derek Polley).   

The adult Ring-billed Gull, a Great Northern Diver, Red-throated Diver and Sandwich Tern were at Groomsport (George Gordon).
Thanks to todays photographers, Dessie Loughrey for the most appropriate of Xmas birds, the Robin, Ed O'Hara for the female Pheasant and Andrew Poots for the unusual Chaffinch visiting his garden. 


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