
Bird News Friday 28th December

The Bonaparte's Gull was feeding along the shore at the river mouth at Ballygally. Yesterday 5 Twite were near the river mouth at Waterfoot and a single bird was at Glenarm. (Neal Warnock).

A male and female Brambling are visiting a garden at Kinedar Crescent off the Belmont Road in Belfast. (Philip West).

Over 100 Whooper Swans were at the Closet Meadows, Oxford Island, see picture below. (Ed O'Hara)

At least 4 Twite, 4 Sanderling and several Stonechat were at Tyrella Beach. (Stuart Matthews).

A Buzzard and 30 Lapwing were at Randalstown Road in Antrim, 2 Bullfinch and a flock of Long-tailed Tits were in Cullybackey. (John Loughlin).

6 Redwing were mobbing a Sparrowhawk at the Glendun viaduct. (John McKillop).

At Larne Lough a second-winter Mediterranean Gull, 5 Greenshank and 5 Snipe were at Glynn. 200 Teal, 220 Wigeon, a Scaup and Little Egret were at Ballycarry Bridge (Cameron Moore). 

Thanks to Ed O'Hara for todays picture of Whooper Swans.

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