
Bird News Monday 17th December

The Waxwing flock seen earlier by Norma had raisen to 80 birds and best viewed from the Strandmillis boat club car park.(Micheal McLaughlin)

60 Waxwings feeding furiously on cotoneaster!! by Stranmillis embankment  (Norma Percival- Price )

5 Waxwing were still along Main Street in Kesh (Brad Robson).

30 Waxwing were at Brooklyn Avenue in Bangor before flying off towards Groomsport Road (George Gordon)

Tyrella Co.Down had 3 Common Stonechats, 200 Linnets, 20 Sanderling, a Purple Sandpiper and a Great Northern Diver (C.Murphy)

Yesterday 2 Brambling as well as a Water Rail were along the tow path in Lisburn near the weir (Garry Wilkinson).

 Our thanks to to-days photographers, they are from the top Tom McCreery-Redpoll. Christine Cassidy-Whooper Swans in flight. Alistair Prentice- Brent Goose and finally Garry Wilkinson-Water Rail.   

We at the blog would like to thank everyone who takes the time and effort to send in e-mails/texts/photographs or just general information. The blog is increasing in popularity on a weekly basis, this is down to all of you.  We get a lot of positive feedback regarding how helpful people find it,so keep sending your Many thanks Wilton/Garry/Ian.

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