
Bird News Monday 24th December

The Little Gull was still at the south Balancing Lake in Craigavon, see picture below. (Ed O'Hara).

A male and female Brambling are visiting a garden in Gilnahirk, Belfast. (Ron Price).

80 - 100 Waxwings were seen flying over Dundonald late this afternoon. (Dave Allen).

3 Waxwing were still in the car park at the Antrim Forum today. (Bird Guides).

A flock of at least 32 Waxwing have been feeding on berry bushes in Ardarawood in Comber today. Waxwings were also in flight at Donaghadee Garden Centre and in Newtownards. 25 Whooper Swans and 700 Lapwing were feeding in fields along the dual carriageway between Comber and Newtownards. (Chris Shaw).

On the outer Ards a jack Snipe was at Ballyquintin and a Sandwich Tern at Knockinelder Bay. (Keith Bennett).

30 Waxwing were along Manse Road in Newtownards near the shopping center (Ian and Margaret McKee).       

There were still 11 Waxwing near the boat club along the Lagan in Belfast (John Pyper, Alan Gallagher).     

3 Little Egret were at Ballycarry Bridge in Larne Lough. A male Brambling was in a garden in Whitehead and 2 Purple Sandpiper along the seafront (Cameron Moore).

A Buzzard and a Kestrel were at Dundonald. (Stephen Maxwell).    

Thanks to todays photographers, Ed O'Hara for the Littel Gull picture, Christine Cassidy for the Goldeneye picture, John Johnston for the Pheasant picture and Stephen Maxwell for the Long Tailed Tit picture. Check out more NI bird pictures at


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