
Bird News Saturday 8th December

A drake Green-winged Teal was on the Newry Estuary today (David Knight)

The possible North African Chaffinch, first observed on 30 October, and showing characteristics of the race Fringilla (coelebs) spodiogenys 'Tunisian Chaffinch' continues to visit a private garden in Richhill, Co Armagh. It is with a flock of c. 400 finches and sparrows including c.100 Chaffinches, c.60 Greenfinches, c. 50 Goldfinches, min.120 Tree Sparrows and c. 60 House Sparrows. Also present 8 Lesser Redpolls and 2 Bramblings (Andrew Poots and Chris Murphy)

Another three Bramblings with 150 Chaffinches, 100 Tree Sparrows and 3 Reed Bunrings were beside Newry Canal at Acton Lake, Armagh/Down; 17 Whoopers were on Acton Lake itself. Another 21 Whoopers and an imm. Peregrine were at Lough Corbet, nr. Banbridge, Co Down (Chris Murphy)

50 Waxwings were still at Lagan Valley Hospital, Lisburn (Garry Armstrong)

Late news for yesterday, 20 Waxwings were feeding on berried bushes along the main road entering Greysteel (Peter Robinson and Hill Dick)

Argentatus Herring Gulls at Corbally Reservoir and the adult Ring-billed Gull, east strand car park, Portrush (Neal Warnock)

A Jack Snipe was at Ballyquintin point, with ca 20 Snipe (Keith Bennett)

Waxwings have been reported from the Castle Centre, Antrim (Mark Smyth) and Crescent Link, Derry (Lynne Gillespie)

A single Waxwing was at the Massey Ave entrance to the Stormont Estate (W Farrelly)

The White morph Gyr Falcon was near Dunseverick, presumed to be the same roving escape of recent months. 40 Snow Buntings were still along the Causeway coastal path, 2 miles W of Dunseverick (Neal Warnock)

A 3rd winter Glaucous Gull was at Ballycastle this afternoon (Neal Warnock)

60 Waxwing were at Faughanvale and 9 Pink-footed Geese and 2 Barnacle at Inch (Matthew Tickner)

In Bangor 40 Waxwing (present for 2 days now) were at the junction on Osborne Drive and Bryansburn Road (Julian Greenwood)

6 Waxwing were in flight at Brooklyn Avenue in Ballyholme and the adult Ring-billed Gull at Groomsport (George Gordon)

13 Waxwing were at Sainsburys in Carrickfergus (Pauline Majury).

Yesterday 38 Waxwing, 40 Fieldfare and 20 Redwing were along the path to Jubilee Wood in Whitehead (Cameron Moore) and 4 Waxwing at Crescent Link in Derry with a Buzzard at Caw roundabout (Theo Campbell).

The Newry canal at Portadown had 10/12 Reed Bunting, a large flock of Tree Sparrows, a Peregrine, 3 Kingfisher and a pair of Grey Wagtail (Alistair Prentice)

5 neck banded Greylag out were in a flock off over Two Thousand on the Slob Road at Inch today (Christine Cassidy)

A male Brambling was in a garden in Co Down (David Nixon)

25+ Bottle-nosed Dolphins were at Red Bay, Co Antrim.

Thanks to Alistair Prentice for this pic off a Reed Bunting and to Christine Cassidy for the Greylag pic.

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