
Bird (Waxwing) News Wednesday 5th December

Waxwings have been feeding on berries in front gardens of houses in Granville Gardens, Ballygowan Rd, Banbridge,(opposite the Group Surgery) over the past few days. Flock size has varied from 11 to 20 birds with just 1 bird recorded at 8am this morning. (David McCreedy).

26 Waxwing were at Scroggy Road in Limavady, see pictures below. (Chris Colhoun).

40+ Waxwing were at Largymore Link in Lisburn, a Buzzard was near Dungannon. (Stephen Maxwell).

A Waxwing was in a garden at Aghnaleck near Hillsborough (Garry Wilkinson).      

7 Waxwing were in flight near Groomsport Road in Bangor (George Gordon).

8 Waxwing were on the Monkstown Road in Monkstown (Bird Guides).

24 Waxwings were at School Hill, Ballygally, reported by the parents. (Neal Warnock).

Over 100 Snow Bunting were in a field next to the Causeway Coastal Path, about 2 miles east of the centre. A few were on the path and permittted a very close approach. (Roger Woodward).

Thanks to todays photographers, Chris Colhoun for the first three Waxwing pictures, Christine Cassidy for the next two Waxwing pictures and the Little Egret and Redwing pictures, Martina Boyle for the Treecreeper and Meadow Pipit pictures and Tom McCreery for the Long-tailed Tit picture. You can see more NIbird pictures at



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