
Bird News Thursday 31st January

The male American Wigeon was at the mouth of the Drowes River. Tullaghan, Co. Leitrim (Seamus Feeney)

The Bittern showed this morning from the causeway at Inch Island, Co Donegal. Two drake Smew were also present (C Gillespie, B Campbell and R Bennett)

14 Waxwing were feeding in Comber Square this afternoon, close to The Progressive (Nu Graham)

A Red Kite adult was sighted low over Portaferry about 14:00 (Nicholas J A Sanders)

An adult Little Gull was just over the harbour wall at Ardglass. A Hen Harrier was at Slievemoyle cottages between Strangford and Raphoe and a female Brambling, 3 Tree Sparrow and 11 Linnet in a garden at Aghnaleck near Hillsborough (Garry Wilkinson).

The adult Ring-billed Gull, 12 Purple Sandpiper and 2 Red-throated Diver were at Groomsport (Ivor McDonald)

At Flatfield on the River Lagan, Co Down this afternoon at 3pm were: Whooper Swan – 100, Lapwing – 200, Curlew – 6 and a Yellowhammer – 1. Also large numbers (200+) of Fieldfares and Redwings (Clive Mellon)

A count at RSPB Portmore Lough Reserve yesterday had very high counts of 1790 Golden Plover and 1006 Lapwing on the meadows (Amy Burns) Also at Portmore, a Male brambling was at the feeders today (Brad Robson)

A female Brambling is in a garden on the Lismenary Road, at the last house on the LHS going out of the village (Brenda Campbell)

Thanks to Alistair Prentice for this pic of a Buzzard. You can see more pics at

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