
Bird News Tuesday 15th January

The adult Bonaparte's Gull was showing well at Sandy Bay, Larne this lunch time. (Neal Warnock).

Late news from yesterday the Ring-billed Gull was showing well at Carrickfergus Castle, see picture below. Today 4 Snipe were at Belfast Lough RSPB reserve. (Stephen Maxwell).

A Chiffchaff is still visiting a garden in Groomsport. (Sam Scott).

A group of 16 waxwings were feeding on haws today at the junction of the Ballyminymore Road with the Garlandstown Road in Glenavy, Co Antrim at 3.30pm. (Andrea Johnston).

The Little Gull is still at the Balancing Lakes in Craigavon although it can be hard to locate at times, see pictures below. (Noel Austin).

A flock of approx. 100 Redwing and Fieldfare were at the Belfast Playing Fields, Mallusk and a Buzzard was seen taking a Crow, see picture below. (Cecil Smyth).

In Donegal the Bittern was still at Inch Lake and the Cattle Egret was still at St Johnstone. (Irish Birding).

Thanks to today's photographers, Stephen Maxwell for the Ring-billed Gull and the Snipe, Noel Austin for the Little Gull, Chrisine Cassidy for the Pied Wagtail and Cecil Smyth for the Fieldfares. You can see more NI bird pictures at


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