
Bird News Tuesday 8th January

The Little Gull remains on the South Balancing Lake, Craigavon, it was beside the Watersport Centre (N.Austin)

Bonaparte's Gull seen again at Sandy Bay Larne.(Birdguides)

30/40 Waxwing were at Dollinstown between Lisburn and Lurgan (Andy Elliott).

130 Fieldfare were along Bolea Road at south of Binevenagh (Lowell Mills).

200 Dunlin were at Killyleagh Harbour and a Greenshank at Ballydorn. 5 Grey Partridge (a male and 4 female) were at Islandhill at the north end of Strangford Lough. These are part of a reintroduction programme (David Clarke).

A male American Wigeon is in Co Leitrim, amongst rocks just west of the mouth of the Drowse river (Brad Robson)

Our  thanks to Tom McCreery for this image of a Tree Sparrow and to Stephen Maxwell for this image of a Hooded Crow.

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