
Bird News Wednesday 23rd January

The adult Ring-billed Gull was still at Groomsport (Tom Ennis).

A Woodcock and 2 Snipe were flushed from a ditch during a farm walk near Hillsborough (Lowell Mills).

19 Waxwings were along the Pond Park Road in Lisburn this morning. (Richard Donaghey).

The 2nd winter Iceland Gull was still at McConnell's Weir in Belfast and the Green Winged Teal was still in Bar Hall Bay at Ballyquintin. (Bird Guides).

A mixed flock of 90 redwing and fieldfares were in stubble fields at Groomsport, a Merlin was also hunting in the fields, a Buzzard was in the area, also a flock of 25 linnets, and 11 pheasants. Little grebe and small number of Brent Geese were in the bay and a roost of 150 lapwing. A Great Northern Diver was offshore. (Gilly Irwin).

A Red Breasted Merganser was in Whitehouse Lagoon. (Stephen Maxwell).

Thanks to todays photographers, to Christine Cassidy for the Snow Bunting, Twite and Little Egret pictures and to Alan Gallagher for the Water Rail and Reed Bunting pictures.



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