
Bird News Wednesday 30th January

The Bonaparte's Gull was at Sandy Bay this afternoon. (Adam McClure).

Around 70 Waxwings were on the Pond Park Road in Lisburn this morning. (Robert Scott).

A ring tail Hen Harrier was at Inch Lake this morning from the foot bridge hide (Boyd Bryce)

Weekend Big Garden Birdwatch observations on the Portstewart Road, Coleraine included 3 Bullfinch, 3 Siskin and a male and female Brambling (Ken Perry, Hill Dick and Peter Robinson).

3 Brambling, a male Blackcap and 20 Chaffinch were in a garden in Lisburn (Vernon Carter).   

Yesterday 4 Brambling and 12 Linnet were in garden in Carrickfergus (Gerard McGeehan) and 12 Siskin and a Whimbrel were at Belfast Harbour Lagoon (Andy Elliott).

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