
Update on the injured Long-eared Owl

The injured Long-eared Owl that was reported on the 31st December, was taken to Don Scott who, as we know, has the expertise and was very willing to help. Don informed me that for three days the owl did not respond to any feeding and it wasn't until the fourth day that the owl started to feed. From then on the bird feed well. After a week of feeding the owl was in good shape and ready for release. Don took the bird to Cairn Wood and released it early last Tuesday morning. A happen ending to a very unfortunate incident.I would like to pass on our thanks to Don for the excellent work he did getting the bird fit enough to go back to the wild. Who would have thought that such a small and unfortunate incident such a fishing line snagged in a tree who have such consequences. Our thanks to Fulton Somerville for keeping us updated and good news that the bird recovered.

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