
Bird News Monday 18th February

Killybegs over an hour at lunchtime had 3 Glaucous Gull, 2 Iceland Gull and a 1st winter Kumliens Gull. (Brad Robson).

A Brambling and 2 female Blackcap are visiting a garden in Knock, Belfast, see pictures below. Over the winter 4 Blackcaps, 2 male and 2 female have been visiting the garden along withn 2 Bramblings. (Lindsay Hodges).

A Red Kite was fighting with a Buzzard over a kill just outside Poyntzpass. A Carrion Crow was at Portaferry (Alistair Prentice).

A flock of around 14 Waxwings were wheeling above the shopping centre at the junction of Boucher Road and Stockmans Lane at 5.30 this evening. (Chris Shaw).

Between 15 and 20 Waxwings were at the Martin Philips Carpets store in Newtownards. (Adam Middleton).

A Carrion Crow was in Whiteabbey, a Buzzard was at Derryboye in Co. Down, 3 Red Breasted Merganser and 3 Goldeneye were in Belfast Lough. (Stephen Maxwell).

There are still a few Waxwings in Lurgan but most of the berries that they are feeding on are almost gone so they will probably move on elsewhere. There is still a large flock of Greylag Geese with some Whooper Swans at Derrytrasna near Oxford Island. (Noel Austin).

2 Raven and 2 different flocks of 50 Fieldfare were at the allotments along Monlough Road West between Carryduff and Moneyreagh. Another 30 Fieldfare were at the junction of Knockbracken Road and Clontonacally Road (David Clarke).

16 Pinkfooted Geese flew in off the sea at Groomsport this afternoon and a 1st winter Little Gull was feeding offshore at Briggs Rocks. (Colin Guy).

Thanks to todays photographers, to Lindsay Hodges for the Blackcap and Brambling pictures, to Noel Austin for the Waxwing and Greylag pictures, to Christine Cassidy for the Buzzard picture, to Alistair Prentice for the Fieldfare and Carrion Crow pictures and to Stephen Maxwell for the Red-breasted Merganser and his Carrion Crow pictures. You can see more NI bird pictures at



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