
Bird News Monday 25th February

Yesterday at Larne Lough a Pink-footed Goose was with 38 Greylag at Church Bay. 2 Little Egret were at Ballycarry Bridge and 2 Brambling and a Blackcap in a garden in Whitehead (Cameron Moore).

4 Brambling were in a garden in Pirrie Road off the Belmont Road in Belfast. (Philip West).

There were 2 Little Egrets along the River Enler at Dundonald this morning. One was at the bridge over the Grahamsbridge Road, then made its way to various places along the Enler parallel to the Comber Road, the second was on the football field. A female Blackcap was visiting a garden in Kings Road, Knock in Belfast. (Lindsay Hodges).

Thanks to todays photographers, to Lindsay Hodges for the Little Egret from Dundonald, to Iris Miller for the Shag from Glenarm, to Christine Cassidy for the first Dipper picture, to Chris Colhoun for the second Dipper from the River Roe, to Alex Coroliu for the Buzzard from outside Newry, to Alistair Prentice for the Treecreeper picture and to Tom McCreery for the Long-tailed Tit picture. You can see more NI bird pictures at




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