
Bird News Saturday 9th February

A probable Siberian Chiffchaff was visiting a garden in Newry, Co Down (Frank Carroll)

At Derrymacash, Lurgan, 7 Waxwings were at Corner House Bar (Ed O'Hara)

At Oxford Island, Kinnego Bay was the drake Red-crested Pochard and 8 Ruddy Duck (Ed O'Hara)

9 Brambling were at a garden on the Belmont Road, Belfast (Philip West)

3 Long-tailed Ducks and over 1000 Eider were off Carrickfergus this morning (Neal Warnock)

The Bittern was seen briefly from the causeway to Inch Island,Co Donegal, along with a drake Smew (Niall Hatch)

An adult Mediterranean Gull was at Whiteabbey, Belfast Lough today (Paul McCullough)

The Waxwings were still in Comber (Adam Middleton)

A Grey Plover, second-winter Mediterranean Gull and 2 first-winter Iceland Gull were at Barmouth of Bann Estuary (Theo Campbell).

At Larne Lough 2 female Long-tailed Duck and a Red-throated Diver were off Glynn (Jeff Larkin)

A Little Egret was seen flying over Strathearn School, east Belfast (W Farrelly)

Many thanks to Ed for the Waxwing and Red-crested Pochard pics (top ), Angus Kennedy for the Inch Smew and Adam Middleton for the Waxwing (bottom pic) below.

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