
Bird News Thursday 14th February

Three waxwings this morning at North Queen Street, Belfast (David Knight).

35 Waxwings were at the junction of Benson Street and the Causeway End Road, Lisburn (Chris Veale).

A Black-throated Diver was close inshore at Portmuck Island (Ian Enlander).

A Brambling was at RSPB Belfast Harbour Reserve this morning. (Jim McKeown).

The Ring-billed Gull was still at Carrickfergus Harbour, see pictures below. (Stephen Maxwell).

40 Waxwing were at the corner of Oakridge and Ashwood in Lurgan. A possible adult and 2 juvenile "sinensis" Cormorants were at Craigavon North Lake (Fulton Somerville, Jim Whitla and Michael Richardson).   

A female Merlin flew across the M2 just east of the Moira roundabout (Warren Fowles).   

At Larne Lough 3 Little Egret, 162 Lapwing, a Carrion Crow and 178 Redshank were at Ballycarry Bridge. 2 Long-tailed Duck, 24 Bar-tailed Godwit, 4 Greenshank, a second-winter Mediterranean Gull and 38 Curlew were at Glynn (Cameron Moore).     

Yesterday an adult Iceland Gull was at the Long Hole along Seacliff Road in Bangor (Andy Elliott). 

Many thanks to Stephen Maxwell for the pictures of the Ring-billed Gull, and to Cecil Smyth for the pictures of the Goldcrest from his garden.



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