
Bird News Wednesday 27th February

5 Brambling were visiting a garden on the Belmont Road, Belfast (Philip West)

The Glaucous Gull was still at Ballycastle Harbour along with an Iceland Gull.

A mobile flock of 8/9 Waxwing was at Ballyholme in Bangor (George Gordon).   

8 Long-tailed Duck were just south of Carrickfergus. 6 Turnstone, a Rock Pipit and 6 Black Guillemot were also seen (Dot Blakely).

12 Yellowhammer were with a mixed flock of Chaffinch and Bullfinch at Inch in Donegal, 2 Buzzards were also present. (Christine Cassidy).

Thanks to todays photographers, to Alistair Prentice for this picture of two Rooks sparring, to Christine Cassidy for her picture of a Yellowhammer from Inch, to Stephen Maxwell for his picture of a male Goldeneye at Whitehouse Lagoon, to Adam Middleton for his pictures of the Turnstone and the Ring-billed Gull at Groomsport to Alex Coroliu for his picture of a Little Egret from Carlingford Lough and to Tom McCreery for the female Brambling from Waringstown. You can see more NI bird pictures at  


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