
Bird News Monday 25th March

Most unusually an adult Sabine’s Gull flew east along the shore, at Briggs Rocks, Co Down – a very rare “spring” record -
a Whimbrel was on the shore also (Colin Guy)

The drake Lesser Scaup was still off the Discovery Centre at Oxford Island.

5 Sand Martins were feeding over Lough Shark this morning (Fulton Sommerville)

A Little Gull (see pics  below) along with a Little Egret, 6 Black Guillemot and a Razorbill were at Killard, Co.Down.(Craig Nash).

There are 11 Waxwings at the moment back in Whyte Acres, Banbridge (1700 hrs) (Karen Elliott)

At Larne Lough a Pink-footed Goose was half a mile north of Ballycarry Bridge. 3 Jay flew across the Lough and a Little Egret was near Magheramorne (Cameron Moore).

25 Waxwing were seen this evening (5pm) at St Georges Church nr Albert clock in Belfast city centre.(D.Noe)

To-days photographs have been kindly sent in (from the top) by Craig Nash of the Little Gull at Killard and also the Little Gull again flying over a Razorbill. Stephen Maxwell of a Whimbrel taken at Ballymacormick Point yesterday and a Gadwall.

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