
Bird News Friday 5th April

Unusually a Chough is at Sheeplands harbour near Ardglass. It was in a field nearby but was moving around. (David Nixon).

A Swallow was on the River Bann, Portadown this morning. (Alistair Prentice).

2 male and 3 female Brambling, 2 male and 2 female Blackcap were in a garden off the Belmont Road in Belfast. (Philip West).

A Willow Warbler was at Lough Shark, Poyntzpass, a Jack Snipe and a Wheatear were at McCourt's Lake, Poyntzpass. (Joe Devlin).

A probable immature White-tailed Eagle landed briefly west of Clough in south Down (reported to Lowell Mills).   

At Belfast a Barn Owl was seen at Minnowburn at 7.15am and a Great Spotted Woodpecker was at the car park at Shaw's Bridge at 8.10am (Aaron Devlin).    

19 Sandwich Tern were back on Cockle Island at Groomsport (George Gordon).

A Whimbrel was at Ballymacormick Point and 2 Yellowhammer were just outside Groomsport. (Sam Scott).

A Woodcock was at Copeland Bird Observatory this evening. (Kerry Leonard). 

Thanks to todays photographers, to Noel Austin for the pictures of the Grey Wagtail, displaying Great Crested Grebes and Lesser Black Backed Gull, to Alistair Prentice for the picture of the Siskin, to Christine Cassidy for the pictures of the Buzzard, Shelduck and Redshank, to Zach McCreery for the picture of the Stonechat and to Tom McCreery for the picture of a Meadow Pipit. You can see more NI bird pictures at



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