
Bird News Saturday 27th April

The female type Marsh Harrier was at RSPB Portmore Lough Reserve (Keith Bennett)

Reed Warblers were singing at Lough Cowey and Ballyherly Lough, Co Down. At Ballyquintin Point there was a Short-eared Owl, 40 Whimbrel and 2 Wheatear (Richard Weyl)

Around Larne Lough was the Pink-footed Goose, 2 Dark-bellied Brent, 38 Whimbrel, 2 Common Terns, lots of Blackcaps and a few Whitethroats. (Neal Warnock)

10 Whimbrel, a pair of gadwall and a Mediterraneanxblack-headed gull hybrid at RSPB Belfast Harbour (James Robinson)

3 Swifts at Carnmoney Hill, Newtownabbey. (Jim McKeown) and 2 also flew over Daisy Hill Nursery, Newry this morning (Frank Carroll)

Over 70 White Wagtail were seen at Inch Lake, Co Donegal today (Chris Ingram)

3 Dotterel were at the top of Slieve Muck in the Mourne Mountains (Vivien Nixon via Shane Wolsey)

A Yellow Wagtail was at Portmore meadows (Gerard McGeehan) and a drake Garganey also at Portmore (Mark Killops)

3 Swift were back at a colony in Antrim (Mark Smyth).

A Red Kite was along Portaferry Road at Mount Stewart (Aaron Devlin).

A Common Sandpiper was along the Lower Bann in the Loughran, Coleraine this afternoon. (Richard Donaghey).

The Whitehead area this morning had 4 Whimbrel and 5 White Wagtail. The harbour area in Belfast this afternoon had 600+ Golden Plover on storage area (D3 as was), 2 swift and 2 sandwich tern were over the RSBP reserve. Sedge Warbler and Wheatear were at the Conservation Area. (Ian Enlander).

Thanks to Bill Guiller for this Jay picture, to Zach McCreery for the Long-tailed Tit picture, to Cameron Moore for the Waxwing picture and to Mervyn Campbell for the Swallow picture.


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